Qabil Khushry Qabil Igam (Malaysia/2007) - Bollywood atau Malaywood?

oleh: Ajami Hashim Khan
Lakonlayar/Cerita/Taukeh: Azlina Pa’wan
Zaili Sulan (fdam)
Mula tayangan: 8 Feb 2007
Kejadian2 selepas tayangan QKQI...
Sesi Q&A wartawan vs produksi kat seat depan.
Wartawan: Adakah QKQI ialah filem Bollywood?
Taukeh: Tidak. Ia adalah sebuah filem Melayu.

Sesi Q&A sesama bloggers kat seat belakang.
Saya: What?
Kash: Why? (kpd saya)
Saya: It is a Bollywood film. I mean the structure, template or acuan ceritanya exactly mengikut penceritaan filem Bollywood! Cuma bahasa & plot-line nya ialah filem Melayu.
Budiey: Tulis! Tulis! Tulis kat blog kau!

*dialog2 di atas disesuaikan mengikut ingatan & rekaan saya sendiri serta tidak melibatkan bloggers yg disebut, cuma nak tolong promote blog derang jer! serta bukan merujuk kpd Q&A sebenar! yg betul2, korang tunggu kuar kat paper!



Dari buku
Writing the Comedy Film: Make 'em Laugh oleh Stuart Voytilla & Scott Petri (ms.1,95-102):

Comedy offer a unique perspective of our world. We call this the comic perspective. There are two distict ways to look at comic perspective:
1. The comic perspective of the writer, director, or feature comic
2. The approach to the subject or story

Comic perspective is the unique comic point of view of a comic artist. The way a writer, director, or performer spins a story to look at it from an usual viewpoint. In this sense, style and voice are
synonymous. Theme and variation are two ways to identify and define a specific comic point of view. A piece could be satirical, ironic, bitter, optimistic, positive, negative, or naive depending on who is telling the tale.
The stories of romantic comedy can divided into two categories:
1.The search for one's true love (sweet romance) - the hero and/or heroine are wounded without love, discover potential love and try to win it
2.The recommitment to love (marriage comedy) - a relationship (marriage, engagement, or other promise of commitment) is fractured, and the lovers part seeking new love only to come back and recommit to the original relationship
A comedy film is a film laced with humor or that may seek to provoke laughter from the audience. A comedy of manners film satirizes the manners and affectations of a social class, often represented by stock characters. The plot of the comedy is often concerned with an illicit love affair or some other scandal, but is generally less important than its witty dialogue. The romantic comedy sub-genre typically involves the development of a relationship between a man and a woman. The stereotyped plot line follows the "boy-gets-girl", "boy-loses-girl", "boy gets girl back again" sequence. Naturally there are innumerable variants to this plot, and much of the generally light-hearted comedy lies in the social interactions and sexual tensions between the pair.
Dari buku Story: Substance, Structure, Style and The Principles of Screenwriting oleh Robert McKee (ms.370):
Melodrama is not the result of over-expression, but of under motivation; not writing to big, but writing with too little desire. The power of an event can only be as great as the sum total of its causes. We feel a scene is melodramatic if we cannot believe that motivation matches action.
The word "melodrama" comes from "melos", the Greek word for song (compare melody), combined with "drama". Music is used to increase the emotional response or to suggest characters. There is a tidy structure or formula to melodrama: a villain poses a threat, the hero escapes the threat (or rescues the heroine) and there is a happy ending. In melodrama there is constructed a world of heightened emotion, stock characters and a hero who rights the disturbance to the balance of good and evil in a moral universe. In recent decades the term has taken on pejorative connotations. A melodrama in a more neutral and technical sense of the term is a play, film, or other work in which plot and action are emphasized in comparison to the more character-driven emphasis within a drama. Melodramas can be distinguished from tragedy by the fact that they are open to having a happy ending.
Bollywood (Hindi: ???????, Urdu: ??????) is the informal name given to the popular Mumbai-based Hindi language film industry in India. The term is sometimes used incorrectly to refer to the whole of Indian cinema. The name is a blend of Bombay, the English name for Mumbai, and Hollywood, the centre of the American film industry. Though some purists deplore the name, arguing that it makes the industry look like a poor cousin to Hollywood, it seems likely to persist and now has its own entry in the Oxford English Dictionary. Such names have also been used for other industries, including Kollywood, Tollywood, Lollywood and Nollywood. (ada sesiapa nak tambah kat wikipedia - Malaywood). Bollywood and the other major cinematic hubs (Tamil, Marathi, Bengali, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada) constitute the broader Indian film industry, whose output is the largest in the world in terms of number of films produced and in number of tickets sold. Bollywood is a strong part of popular culture of not only India, but also of the rest of South Asia the Middle East, parts of Africa, parts of Southeast Asia (Malaysia) , and among the South Asian diaspora worldwide. Bollywood has its largest diasporic audiences in the UK, Canada, Australia and the U.S, all of which have large Indian immigrant populations. Bollywood is also commonly referred to as "Hindi cinema", even though Hindustani, the substratum common to both Hindi and Urdu, might be more accurate. The use of poetic Urdu words is fairly common. The connection between Hindi, Urdu, and Hindustani is an extremely contentious matter and is discussed at length in the linked articles relating specifically to the languages. There has been a growing presence of English in dialogue and songs as well. It is not uncommon to see movies which feature dialogue with English words and phrases, even whole sentences. A few movies are also made in two or even three languages (either using subtitles, or several soundtracks).
Struktur cerita - QKQI adalah sebuah filem yg bergerak ke depan (linear) menggarap 2 genre filem secara berturutan dimana ia bermula sbg sebuah filem komidi-romantik dan beralih kpd sebuah melodrama sehingga ke akhirnya. Peralihan genre dilakukan pd babak Igam ditangkap polis! iaitu apabila abg2 polis dtg ke rumah keluarga Ismail pd hari pernikahan Khushry-Rani/Igam-Karisma. Anda ingat tak? Bermula dr situ filem ini bertukar arah tanpa disedari dari gelak-ketawa kpd airmata! Saya tabik pd Azlina krn berjaya menggarap filem ini sebegitu subtle tanpa khalayak sedari.
Kembali kpd Q&A rekaan saya di atas. Pd pendapat saya, QKQI ialah sebuah filem Melayu yg beracuankan struktur penceritaan filem Bollywood. Kenapa? Kerana boleh dikatakan semua bentuknya mengikut kronologi sebuah filem Bollywood yg menghambat perasaan khalayak perlahan-lahan dari bermulanya fade-in babak pertama sehingga ke fade-out babak penamat.
Sekiranya anda seorg peminat-mati-keras (die hard fan) filem2 Bollywood, pastinya anda faham maksud saya selepas anda keluar panggung nanti. Menonton QKQI seolah-olah menonton adaptasi sebuah filem Bollywood yg bercakap dlm bahasa Melayu & dilakonkan oleh pelakon2 Melayu. Izinkan saya membuat andaian kenapa? *kalau salah, tolong komen-kan!
Unsur2 filem Bollywood dlm QKQI:
1.semua pelakon2 utama; Hans, Rusdi, Erra, Ziana ialah org2 cantik
2.semua pelakon2 pembantu watak ibubapa; Dato' Rahim, Hisham, Fauziah, Maimon ialah veteran2 tersohor
3.konflik kekeluargaan; percintaan, perpisahan, salah-faham yg sgt berat boleh sampai berbunuhan dan memporak-perandakan sebuah keluarga yg harmoni di awal cerita dimana ia akan meleret-leret-leret-leret dibasahi dgn airmata berjurai-jurai-jurai-jurai dilatari dgn music-score ada suara perempuan "aaaaaaahhhh.."
4.lagu & tarian yg menggunakan costume lebih dr 1 persalinan & lokasi
5.time-frame yg digunakan bermula dari kelahiran sehingga kematian
6.ada rahsia besar yg menjadi punca konflik dimana ia akan diinterpretasikan secara salah oleh sesama watak menyebabkan porak-peranda tahap tsunami! walaupun rahsia itu sepatutnya diceritakan awal2 lagi utk mengelakkan kekeliruan atau ke-kronikan yg lebih dahsyat!
7.seseorg atau dua org; Igam & Karisma menjadi mangsa keadaan yg sgt genting
8.kasih-sayang adik-beradik tahap wow! Khushry & Igam atau Karisma & Rani jahat yg sgt jahat; Izi
10.polis/inspektor sahab akan muncul di akhir cerita shj sbg dummy!
11.sah2 tajuk filem & nama2 watak berbunyi sgt Hindi-an!
Unsur2 filem Bollywood YG TIADA dlm QKQI:
1.keretapi/lrt/monorel/komuter/KLIA Express/ERL
2.adik-beradik terpisah dr kecil krn tsunami, hanyut, kena culik etc; then dipelihara oleh seorg penjahat & seorg polis, then bila dewasa mereka bergaduh sesama sendiri, then insaf & bersatu, then lawan balik penjahat itu, then salah seorg mati di akhir cerita!
3.lebih dr 3 lagu & tarian penuh!
4.adegan membakar mayat tersayang di tepi pantai seblm membalas dendam
*sesiapa nak tambah, silakan buh kat komen..
Ok! Cemanapun QKQI masih asli & segar dr segi keMelayuannya. Adat2 ketimurannya. Kekeluargaannya. Tipikal kejahatannya; suami pukul isteri.
Komen2 membina/pedas dr saya:
1.backstory Igam sbg penagih dadah TIDAK KUAT! mcm ada missing link/scene yg perlu ditunjukkan utk establish bahawa Igam ada desire atau kenapa dia jadi begitu?
2.panjang wig yg dipakai oleh Erra & Ziana semasa dewasa inconsistent semcm conti-nya lari?
3.babak kejar-mengejar Khushry & Igam satu kg itu terlalu draggy?
4.most of dialogue kedua-dua ibu; Tijah & Cik Som exaggerate asyik menjerit?
5.babak mandi-manda/berkelah Karisma, Rani & kawan2 memakai seluar sukan & t-shirt TETAPI baju2 yg dicuri oleh Khushry & Igam adalah 2 pasang baju kurung?
6.make-up Igam semasa ketagihan exaggerate! dah mcm anggota kump black-metal dgn celak/lebam keterlaluan! btw dia tak kurus pun?
7.rumah dlm banjir unrealistic nampak sgt dlm sungai?
8.penggunaan set-up/pay-off yg longgar seolah2 dipaksa wujud utk memanjangkan plot/conflict tanpa backstory yg kukuh; misalnya kenapa Igam menjadi penagih? kenapa Cik Som menerima pinangan Asrul w/pon dia tahu kejahatannya? Ya! Cik Som nak jaga airmuka but then mana logikanya?
9.inconsistent character - Igam semasa kecil rabun & memakai cerminmata tetapi bila dewasa dia tak rabun dah? ker Igam buat lasic-surgery? ntah?..
Komen2 positif/manis dr saya:
1.pakaian pengantin semuanya cantik!
2.tarian & miming Bollywood Hans? qah! qah! qah! kira jadik laa..
3.special-effect tebuan superb!
4.aksi pergaduhan dgn parang Igam vs Asrul vs Karisma excellent!
5.statement semasa Q&A - kita campak jer apa yg org nak tengok! harap2 filem ini akan laku & lebih ramai produser dpt buat filem utk membantu artis cari makan - saya setuju!
6.the airmata scenes semuanya menjadik! especially during Karisma vs Igam (behind the wall) & Khushry vs Igam (atas jambatan)
Adakah fungsi filem ini kesampaian? Jawapan saya - Ya!
Adakah filem ini akan laris di pasaran? Jawapan saya - Sudah pasti!
Adakah filem ini akan menggondol sebarang anugerah di festival? Jawapan saya - Mungkin!
*sila klik photo kat atas tu & print jadikan pocket-calendar 2007!
*sila bawa extra tissue-paper kat panggung!
*saya masih blur about the adat melangkah perut isteri nak bersalin di babak pembukaan QKQI?
*TQ kpd krn sudi menjemput saya ke prebiu QKQI. pizza 'izzi' tu sedaps!
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